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Most of the Viatrexx products have an emotional component. Part of our view is; if an emotion may be harbored in an organ, gland or scar (TCM), then whatever metabolic factors (messenger molecules) it produces may be colored with that emotion, thereby distributing that emotion throughout the cells and network. If this premise is correct then these molecules negative imprints need to addressed, hence our multi-tiered dilutions of these molecules within our formulas.


The 2 most powerful products are SystemeXX D and NeuroMusKeleXX.

SystemeXX D as it cleans out the organs & glands, it works its way down to any emotions the system(s) may host.  Events/incidents of a similar theme may start to come up and remembering the individuals involved. The person starts to process and with proper counselling can regain their self worth, respect and dignity.

NeuroMusKeleXX was created to deal with concussions, accidents and trauma injuries. Parts of the limbic system and solar plexus are included in the complex. Both neurological segments deal with emotional memory and harbouring.  The goal was to help release the emotions associated to an accident so the person could release any crippling memory associated to it. NeuroMusKeleXX has been reported to release memories from far back in the person’s psyche.

Relief + is designed to soften the emotional impact of a healing crisis or emotional release, so it becomes more manageable.

Ouch: General pain, pain from tension & stress, up regulates the parasympathetic. Emotional scarring due to injury. Balancing of Limbic system. Bruising, bleeding, “beaten up” feeling.